Our Youth Mission
Psalms 127:3 – “Children are an heritage of the Lord”. Each child will, in the process of time be a defense, support, and propagation of the plan of God. The more children born and saved to help God administer the affairs of the eternal plan for man, the more reward God will have.
To introduce and teach them about Christ Jesus, disciple them, and empower them to be disciple makers. We are committed to connecting each generation with Jesus Christ while nurturing their faith in God.
“Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all.” (American Standard)
Mark 10:14-15
Childcare is available for ages 0-5 years old. Nursery is staffed by parents of the House of Refuge Church on a rotational basis and supervised by a lead worker. Little ones enjoy play-time in an environment of love, prayer, and close supervision. Little ones will engage in praise and worship time, a fun biblical video that involves interaction and motor skills, and a bible story. Snacks are provided during each visit. How awesome it is to witness a baby or little one raise their hand to praise our Jesus! Jesus said in his words found in Mathew 21:16 when he quoted Psalm 8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. We look forward to praising the Lord with your little one!
Children ages 6-12 gather weekly for worship exclusive from the adult worship service. Children worship with hand-made instruments and tools for making a joyful noise unto the LORD. Children are encouraged to bring their bibles to each service (NIV version), as they are taught to look up scriptures for themselves and read them with the group. Children also use their bibles for learning scripture during biblical group games and fun activities. We are currently utilizing curriculum from “Kids on the Move”, a children’s church curriculum designed by Willie George Ministry, which is an effective tool in teaching children God’s Word. Some of the lessons taught include: A Brand New Heart (Ezekiel 36:26), The Bonds of Sin (John 8:36), The Blood Covenant (Hebrews 9:22), The Righteousness of God (II Corinthians 5:21), The Man of the House (Galatians 5:16), Treasures in Heaven (Colossians 3:1), God Answers Prayer (Mathew 21:22), Don’t Be a Garbage Mouth (Colossians 3:8) etc…We have fun! The children have fun and usually can’t wait to come back to church to see us! It’s exciting to see the hunger and enthusiasm in the children especially when they ask many questions about God’s Kingdom and share their personal testimonies with us. Snacks are provided after each service and fellowship. (Please click here for additional children’s events and fellowships.)
Youth ages 13-17 join the children for worship service exclusive from the adult service. Prior to each gathering, ministers and teachers fellowship with our youth while getting to know them over muffins and cocoa in a comfortable environment that allows for an opportunity for our young people to meet other youth and let the walls of their heart down. This is definitely a time of refreshing for each youth as they develop and nurture their relationships with fellow young brothers and sisters in Christ and their relationship with the LORD. This is also a time for personal prayer and one on one mentoring in the LORD as we share scriptures and encouragement with our youth. We are also committed to fellowshipping with other youth from other congregations for special events. (Please click here for additional children’s events and fellowships).